Email: cromptoncricketclub@hotmail.co.uk Website: www.cromptoncricketclub.co.uk
Re-Opening And Membership Renewal Information
On behalf of the Committee of Crompton Cricket Club, we wanted to share an update on the club given the current Coronavirus roadmap and our planned re-opening.
We re-opened on Friday 16th April 😉
Currently, we will only be opening as follows:
Mondays/Tuesday’s/Wednesday’s – CLOSED please see social media as when juniors are at home, on these days the club will be open from 6pm.
- Thursday 6pm-9pm
- Friday 5pm-11pm
- Saturday 12pm-11pm
- Sunday 12-10pm
These will be subject to change so please keep an eye on Social media and our website for opening times, rules and guidelines.
It is strictly table service only so scan or sign-in, find a table/bench and we will be with you shortly. You must be seated to order and enjoy your drinks so please be patient with us during busy times.
Masks (unless exempt) must be worn when entering the club to use the toilet facilities only.
We have frozen membership for this year. Current members have until 30th April to renew until 2020 membership expires.
If anyone would like to pay their subscriptions in advance of the club re-opening, please see the payment option below. Membership forms can be completed, and cards issued once the club re-opens.
Membership fees are £15 for an adult social member, £5 for a pensioner, £50 for an adult playing member, £15 for a junior playing member and £5 for a non-playing junior. Any Payments for the above can be paid straight into the clubs account. Please add your name as a reference so we can identify your payment.
Account Number: 10093771 Sort Code: 16-31-17
We will continue to work alongside the Government roadmap in conjunction with the ECB and Lancashire League. As always, your ongoing support is most appreciated. Stay safe, follow the Government advice and club protocol and we hope to see you again at the club soon.
Crompton Cricket Club Committee
President: Mr Mike Metcalfe, Chairman: Mr Paul Caunce Secretary: Mr Stephen Wright
Treasurer: Mr Glenn Rigby